Monday, February 21, 2011

Nights like these.....

It's nights like these...
Kendall has been sick for a couple of weeks...cough, sneezing, the normal stuff. Saturday she started getting worse and last night her fever started...102..103, then I started applying the cool rag and playing with her hair...rubbing her back...holding her sweet little hand. My precious little angel. I hate for Dave or the kids to be sick...paranoid is an understatement...since Harper my biggest struggle is over-reacting and being paranoid. I me...I do, however; anytime someone in the family is sick it gives me the most uneasy feeling. I'm working on it. It's night's like these that make you thankful for being able to be the best parent you can be...who cares if the laundry isn't done..if there are dishes in the sink...if you have been sneezed on 100 times in a's nights like these when your child tells are the best mommy in the world...well that's what I live be the best I can be in my kids eyes. Praying for a better night however..tonight...sweet baby needs some good rest.

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