Monday, August 16, 2010

Let the games begin....

Volleyball season is officially here! We will start spending lots of time in the gym and at the school....we have to support the most amazing daddy/coach in the world!
I asked a friend to make the kids some shirts....they turned out so cute! Thanks Jennifer...the link is on the right side of my blog...The Dizzy Dragonfly. The kids love sitting on the bench and sometimes watching the I thought they would have fun wearing these shirts!
We started the season out with Spike night/Ice cream social...the turn out was great! I think the girls are excited about the season...I love to see everyone so excited, especially since my husband puts in so much time away from home. He is definelty following his calling...teaching and coaching. We are so proud of him! Here is to a great season for all the coaches out there.....let the games begin!

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