Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I have had a roller coaster of emotions lately....I don't know why. There is a lot going on....but that's normal in our life!
I'm still trying to get adjusted in my new job...I love my job....it's just a huge change...I miss all of my friends from KSU! I'm so fortunate to have a job that I love...I work with great people at Chattahoochee Tech too...I'm just trying to get settled! I still have bad day's...day's I just wake up and for no apparent reason I just am not in a great mood....day's I would go to work and my family as KSU knew that my emotions fluctuated...they didn't have to ask why...they just knew...the people at my new job don't know the me that was pregnant with my sweet baby girl.

Landon is starting 1st grade! I'm not ready for this! He is almost as tall as me....I love him so much and he's growing up so fast. Sometimes I just watch him sleep and think back when he was a baby and loved cuddling with his mommy! I'm lucky if I get a hug or a kiss these day's! I worry so much about all the bullying that goes on in schools and things I can't control....I only pray that I have taught him the correct way to act and handle situations. I know I worry to much!!!!!
Kendall is starting pre-k at Mrs. Robins....thank God for Mrs. Robin and Ranger Rick! They have done such an amazing job with the kids....I thank God for putting them in our lives....I think God truly does put people in your life for a reason.
I still miss my sweet baby...it doesn't get easier...the pain becomes a little less intense. It is something I struggle to put into words....I struggle with lots of questions and sometimes guilt. I have been watching 19 kids and counting/The Duggars...I'm so happy that their baby girl is doing so well and got to go home...however, it's hard to watch because their baby was the same gestation as Harper was. She weighed almost the same. It's something I have accepted...it's a moment in our lives I will always have questions about...it's a moment in time I will never forget...her sweet little face is frozen in my mind....for all the reason's....I have been on a roller coaster...I'm ready to get off!!!!!

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