Friday, February 18, 2011

It's been a while...

Well....apparently it's been a while since I've updated our blog! Not that there has been a shortage of things to talk about or share....lots going on. Sometimes the more I talk about everything we have going stresses me!
We are in the process of looking for a new house! I love house hunting....but trust me we are looking for the perfect deal! I'm thinking it's out there : ) Hopefully we will be able to move by the beginning on June?!? We will see....
I have been having fun with "the sweet life"...I love making new creations and fun little treats! I didn't expect the response I have gotten but am really excited about it! I have lots of things in the works and am trying to keep up with the orders :) Don't worry...I'm not quitting my day job!!!!! Dave is finally over coaching season :) Yay! Can you hear the excitement in my voice?!?! We like having him around! The kids are busy with school, friends and after school activities. I've got to get the camera to gymnastics....I haven't taken any pictures of Kendall at gymnastics!!!!! That's hard to believe! Landon is doing great in school....he just took a fun field trip with his challenge class to Fernbank...I got to go too :) he really did want me to go :) I love spending one on one time with my little man....there's nothing as sweet as a mama's boy!
Dave and I just got to spend the weekend to ourselves....we missed our little ones...but it was a much needed break! Of course, they had fun at Mimi's house with all the fun activities she had planned!!!!
We are in the process of planning our summer is it that summer...the season that is supposed to be calm...not a lot going on...we have had the hardest time finding a week to go on vacation.....hopefully we have it setteled though! We are planning a fun trip to DISNEY! The last time we were there...Landon was 4 and Kendall was 1! She doesn't remember it all.....All the fun we are going to have!

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