Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Christmas house guest....

Meet our house guest



This has been a HOT topic in our house lately...the decision of whether or not to get a dog?!?! We promised the kids that once Harper was here and older we could get a dog...however, we all know that things happen and situations change.
Mrs. Robin and Ranger Rick went out of town for the holidays and asked if we could dog sit...the kids were really excited so we agreed! Crazy, I know!!! However, these dogs are the sweetest dogs trained...don't bark...sweet...WOW, the kids are fooled...they think this is what really happens when you bring a dog home!!!!!! Well..for now we are happy to just dog dogs are moving least the kids have Belle (our outside, low mainentance cat)! And they get to see Simmon and Yoda at school everyday it's like they have dogs already :)

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