Monday, December 27, 2010


To say that this Christmas was magical is an understatement....I finally feel like I'm in a good place in my life....peace has settled in my soul and my smile is more genuine than ever.
I have been looking forward to the holidays for a while....time off of work...baking..spending time with Dave and the kids...and having almost all of our family home.
This year we spent Christmas Eve up in Dalton at my mom's like usual....all the family was there and we stuffed ourselves on our appetizers and sweets! We headed home that night for the much anticipated trip from Santa! Our kids were so excited that they woke up at 3:15!!!!!! Did I mention that Santa's elves didn't go to bed until 1:00?!?! They finally got out of bed about 3:45...and opened presents...Dave and I were exhausted!!!! We slept on the couch while the kids played with all their new toys....about 10:00 Christmas day my mom called and said that they were getting a lot of SNOW and to get on the we packed our bags and loaded the car down with some of the goodies Santa brought...and made it safely to Mimi's house...where the holiday fun is still going strong!!!!
Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day......Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

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