Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving.....

We have so much to be thankful for at the Condon house! Believe it or not...this has been one of the best years! We have come to accept and better understand the reasons why Harper was taken from us....I truly believe GOD sent her here as a I would know about my health issues...I honestly don't know what would have happened without the diagnosis?!? Although this is not the way I would have chosen...we have to learn how to accept things we can't change. I'm thankful for the fact we were able to spend time with her in the hospital, have pictures of her, and sweet little mementos.
I'm thankful for our 2 sweet precious babies, my AMAZING husband whom I love more and more every day, my WONDERFUL job, and the best friends and family a person could ever ask for. I hope that everyone has a great day and thinks about all the blessings in your life....big or small...we have a lot to be THANKFUL for. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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