Monday, November 8, 2010

Give me a.........Happy 5th Birthday Kendall

Kendall's 5th birthday was done around her "obsession" with cheerleading! She takes tumbling at the Devil Ray's gym with Mr. Eric and loves it! All around the house she does flips, cartwheels, back bends, etc... She goes to the football games and cheers along with the we knew that a cheerleading party would be perfect!
We scheduled it at Devil Ray's.....they had different activities scheduled for the much fun! This was the easiest party I've done in a while :)
After the party we went to lunch with Mimi, Grandma, Aunt Denise and Maison....after that we finished the afternoon with a CHEERLEADING competition at Woodland. Molly was competing with Dalton and Aunt Lizzie was there...of course Kendall didn't get off of Lizzie's lap and didn't take her eyes off of the cheerleaders :)
Dalton got 3rd which was enough to send them to state!!! Go Molly! A perfect ending to a perfect day! Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl!

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