Landon is in the 2nd grade this year! I can't believe how fast my little man is growing...he is still the same sweet little tender hearted boy in the world...and I sure do like when he decides to cuddle up with mommy and watch a movie or read a book! He is doing great...loves school most days...loves academics...loves being in the challenge program....LOVES to read, literally reads 2 big chapter books a week.
Kendall is in little princess is growing up way too fast! She has a wonderful nurturing teacher this year and is still slowly recovering from her concusion...we have had some scares...but after this last round of neuro-testing they seem to feel like she will be fully recovered soon! I sure hope so! She is our little social butterfly...likes school...likes being in class...likes to look at the pictures in the books...well just completely opposite as our little man...but that's PERFECTLY fine...they complement each other! Or we could just say...Landon is a lot like his daddy and Kendall is a lot like her mommmy..hahaha!

We kicked off back to school with an ice cream social with some of the kids closest friends....they had a ball! I love small casual get togethers...we also made teacher gifts...and they turned out pretty cute! The kids were very excited to give Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Harris their gifts!
My sweatheart started his 7th year of teaching....and is having a great year so far! He's the best science teacher I know....such a smartie pants :)
Hope everyone has a great year!
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