Friday, May 20, 2011

What I was really thinking.....

I haven't been able to write this post until now.....since I use this as a sort of "scrapbook, journal" I thought it would be a good idea to put my thoughts into is what I was really thinking....WHY GOD?!?! YOU REALLY ARE NOT DOING THIS TO ME ARE YOU?!?!?! Let me backtrack....a couple of weeks ago the friday after the tornadoes hit the south...Dave was out of school because of power outages all around the county. He received a call from Mrs. Robin, Kendalls teacher, she explained that Kendall had fallen backwards off of the picnic table at lunch and hit her head on the concrete....she did a vision test, which began some of the panic. Dave went to pick Kendall up and called me....she began vomitting....I was speeding down interstate from work determined that everything was going to be okay....on my way, I witness a horrible accident with a young girl's car flipping over onto the other side of interstate....she was laying on the concrete with her car laying on it's I'm saying....thank GOD that other people have stopped to help out b/c I have got to get to the hospital! We will come back to this latter......I get to the hospital and they take us back immediately...well that casues more panic...because I'm speculating that they think it's serious to! Kendall started to become very sleepy and started throwing up again....the nurse calls the doctor in and they take us back to get a Catscan....thankfully they let me stay in the room and hold Kendall's hand while they did the catscan....the machine is so big and sweet baby girl just looks at me the whole time.....thankfully after much waiting....they tell us there is no internal bleeding....diagnosis...Concusion! While we were in our hospital room....they brought in the same girl from the accident that I witnessed....thankfully she was okay. At the end of day, I was saying THANK YOU GOD FOR WATCHING OVER OUR DAUGHTER AND FOR THE GIRL IN THE ACCIDENT..

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