Friday, January 14, 2011

Off to a snowy start....

2011 has gotten off to a SNOWY start...the kids missed a week of school...I missed a week of work...and Dave well he only missed 3 days of work :)
We had a blast...Dave and I put the kids to bed Sunday night around 9 and we waited like 2 little kids ourselves for the snow! Snow just feels makes the house more homey and "warm." The kids woke up with so much excitement and were ready to go out and play!
We don't have a sled at our's at Mimi's house! We had to like any other parent would do...we made our laundry baskets (which had to be emptied out) into sleds! Dave tied some rope around both baskets and off into the wintery mess we went! The kids were laughing the whole time...I love listening to their sweet little laughs! I will was a workout!!! A good one though. Afterwards we came in for hot chocolate and some real butter popcorn :)
All week we watched movies, played, played board games and sat around...nothing like good old fashion family time!

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