Sunday, September 19, 2010

As time passes by.....

It becomes clearer every day
that I have been changed
by the life of my sweet Harper.

As time passes and
her life is but a misty memory for those around me,
her life has more meaning for me.

I find it a little easier
to sift through the significant and the non.
I find other people's joys and sorrows
more meanignful and understandable.

And somehow, because of her,
I am going down a path
that is clearer and brighter
and this makes me love her more
and think of her more.

And yet, I still regret,
that it is she who has changed
the meaning of my life,
and not I who have helped to mold her's.
Parts of this were borrowed from Julie B...from Share Atlanta. It just says exactly what I'm feeling...

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