Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This year for Easter we went to my mom's and had Easter egg hunt...rode in my grandfathers Model T...and went to Rock City. It was a busy day but it was wonderful. We have been really busy lately....which is good for me. I have had a hard time lately...I miss Harper. I keep having dreams with her crying for me...I am starting to let go of some of the guilt but it's so hard! This time last year I still didn't know anything was wrong...I will always wonder if things would have been different had we known about things earlier.....

We have planned lots of things for the next couple of months....the kids are def. enjoying it all.

They had a wonderful Easter and have had lots of Mimi time too. It's really special to Dave and I that they get to spend so much time with their Mimi and Papa and Grandma Jess (my grandparents) and Dave's mom, Grandma Annette.

My mom made their Easter egg hunt extra special...she always does...they had tons of eggs to hunt...all filled with candy...and each grandchild had a special golden egg filled with money. After the egg hunt my grandfather...aka..Papa took us for rides in his model T. The kids enjoyed it so much...Kendall told him he was the best Papa ever! After the rides in the old car we went to Rock City. We started our trip with a picnic lunch and spent several hours looking/walking around. Uncle Mathis...Maison and Landon decided that while we were there they would try the rock climbing wall. We didn't think that Landon would like it but agreed to let him try.....he loved it! He did so well! We were so proud of him....and he was proud of himself. He is such a little sweetie! We really enjoyed our day and spending time with family....after don't have anything if you don't have your family!

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