Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day....

We celebrated Father's Day with my grandfather, by brother, my uncle Brady and Dave. This was Dave's first Father's Day since baby Harper...last year I was on bedrest and my mother fixed a special meal for him and shopped with the kids for his present. This year we decided to go to lunch with everyone...I had a mousepad made for him for his new classroom...and bought him a refillable cup for Quick Trip...he goes every day to get a diet mountain dew :) We decided to keep Mother's/Father's day inexpensive this year since we have our anniversary and 2 vacations coming up.
I know that Mother's Day was hard for me...I don't know how to explain it...lately I have been lost for words. The staff at the hospital warned us that we would grieve different with the loss of Harper...they said that Dad's usually kept it all in and stayed strong for the mom...well of course Dave has. He is an amazing husband and a perfect little daddy...the kids and I love him more than words will ever be able to explain. He has been an incredible strength to me this past year....I know he has been grieving too.....this is a poem I read on one of the blogs I follow.

A Father's Grief
It must be very difficult
To be a man in grief,
Since "men don't cry"
and "men are strong"
No tears can bring relief.

It must be very difficult
To stand up to the test,
And field the calls and visitors
So she can get some rest.

They always ask if she's all right
And what she's going through.
But seldom take his hand and ask,
"My friend, but how are you?"

He hears her crying in the night
And thinks his heart will break.
He dries her tears and comforts her,
But "stays strong" for her sake.

It must be very difficult
To start each day anew.
And try to be so very brave-
He lost his baby too.

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